Each one of our Young Pioneers trips will engage with the following:
1. Unreached People Groups.
Young Pioneers only sends teams to nations and people groups where there is either little or no witness of the Gospel. We do not take trips to already reached areas of the world. There are so many amazing efforts already underway around the globe in nations that are very well or mostly reached, and we celebrate that. However, Young Pioneers carries the vision expressed by the apostle Paul when he said “thus I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named…” (Romans 15:20).
2. Power Evangelism.
In Acts 4, the disciples prayed “grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.” We believe that there is only one name under heaven by which men can be saved, and that when we witness to people in His name, the Holy Spirit wants to back up that witness with power, signs, and wonders. All over the earth we have seen God’s power break in as the Gospel is preached, and we expect His power to flow through us and all of our young pioneer teams as we bear witness to His love. We intend to “heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons”, and freely give what God has freely given us (Matthew 10:8).
3. Worship
We believe that God’s words in Malachi 1:11 is a promise, “In every place, incense shall be offered to my name… for my name will be great among the nations.” John Piper says, “Missions exists because worship doesn’t.” The Lamb is worthy of a song coming forth from every nation, tribe, and tongue, worship arising in every place. This is why we do missions. So every place we go, we will sing, we will make music, we will worship, and we will train and equip the local indigenous people to do the same.
4. Prayer and Intercession
On every young pioneer trip, we will be spending considerable amounts of time in prayer and intercession. Charles Spurgeon said, “I would rather teach one man to pray than ten men to preach.” This was the lifestyle of the apostles, whose lives were dedicated “to prayer and the ministry of the word...” (Acts 5). Prayer isn’t just a way to help us prepare our hearts to minister either. Prayer is a major part of the mission. All over the earth, we have seen churches planted, darkness shattered, and open doors of the Gospel established through fervent, faith-filled prayer and intercession.
We do not advertise on our website the exact locations where our YP teams are sent. All of our current trip destinations are in the 10/40 window, mostly comprised of Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist nations. Once you fill out an application for Young Pioneers, you will then be given a selection of the nations where we are serving and taking teams on trips.

1. Apply
Once you click on the “Apply” button here on our website, you will be directed to the application and asked various questions about your life, your physical health, and your relationship with God. Applicants are also required to submit a pastoral reference and a parent reference. This application will be carefully reviewed by our team.
2. Acceptance/Denial
After your application is carefully review by our team, and after we have contacted you about any potential questions we have about your application, we will then notify you that your application has either been accepted or denied.
3. Trip Detail & Legal Packet
If approved, you will then be sent an information packet with the locations, exact dates, and descriptions of our different short-term trips. Included in this packet will be some legal forms that will need to be filled out by you and your parents, as well as some financial and fundraising information.
4. Preparation
After you have been locked into a specific trip, and begun fundraising, you will then be contacted by our team with resources to help you prepare for your trip. We will be available to help you with any needs you have, so that you feel ready and confident when you arrive here at our base in Virginia.
Young Pioneers is based out of the MAPS Global Missions Base in Fredericksburg, Virginia. YP trip participants, prior to going overseas, will travel to Virginia for training and preparation with their teams. Teams will then fly out to their designated nations in the 10/40 window and conduct their missions. After completing the time of ministry overseas, teams fly back to Virginia to debrief the trip together.
Young Pioneer trips cost an average of $2,250 per person. This covers airfare, lodging, food, insurance, supplies, etc. The only thing it does not include is your travel costs to and from our base in Virginia.
For any application or trip questions, please contact us or email us at info@ypmissions.com and we will be happy to help.